How to Prep for Security Like a Pro

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Probably one of the most dreaded steps in traveling is going through airport security. This is an area that Nic struggles with, so I do my best to make sure that we are prepared so that he doesn’t get anxious. But here’s the thing, you do not have to make this one of your most dreaded steps. You can take the 20 minutes of time to prepare with these tips and trick before even entering the security line.

Check in Earlier

Most airlines have their own app/ website and allow for you to check in 24 hours before your flight.

I set an alarm on my phone to be able to check in right at the 24 hour mark. Some perks of doing this is skipping the lines at the kiosks or the check in counters. If you fly economy like us, you get a chance at picking a better seat on the flight. The best part is that you can then head straight to security once you get in the airport!

Nic and I travel carry on only just so we can get into the security line. If you are checking a bag you will have to still make this stop.

Download your ticket

After you check in and pick your seat then you should be able to download your QR code for your ticket rather than having to print it off at the airport. This can be done usually through the airlines app, sometimes it is emailed to you.

Just to be on the safe side you can screenshot/download your ticket (remember that there is a chance that your flights gate and time could change and that will not be reflected in the screenshot you took at check in). This also helps if you are un able to log into the airports Wi-Fi.

You should also print off a copy just in case your phone dies or the app choses not to work at the time.

Have this in hand with your ID or passport open to the correct page. Right now TSA has implemented protection procedures for travelers. “Travelers should keep possession of their boarding pass, place it on the document scanner and show the boarding pass to the TSA officer for visual inspection while at the travel document checking station.” -

Timing is everything

Make sure that you arrive to the airport and allow yourself enough time to get through security and to your gate. For international flights it is recommended that you arrive at the airport 2 hours before your flight leaves. For domestic flights you should be there 1 hour before your flight leaves. For domestic flights I always add on a half an hour just to be safe.

Make sure your bags are the right size

My bag – Gregory Sula 28L

This is the bag I took for 10 days in Scotland!

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Nic’s Bag – North Face – Terra 50
(not filled to the brim)

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Nic and I travel with a personal bag and a carry on (our hiking backpacks above) and that’s about it. We try to avoid paying extra for a checked bag unless there is a great deal with our tickets. Each airline will have different specifications on what sizes of those bags should be. It is up to you to do that research before entering the airport.

Something helpful that you can find in most airports is a stand that you can put your carry on in to see if it is the correct proportions. This would be a second check to make sure that you have not over packed and stretched your bag out.


If you are utilizing the checked bag on your ticket make sure you customize your bag with a bright ribbon or unique tag, just to make sure you or the 50th person with a black suitcase doesn’t take the wrong bag.

Go left not right, right?

Since most of the world consists of right handed people we tend to go right. But have you ever noticed, after you are half way through the line, that the left line is much shorter. Nic and I tested this theory when flying to Scotland and we zipped through security, by going left and following the steps above.

You can also sign up for TSA Pre-Check here. By having this you do not need to remove your shoes, light jacket, belt, laptops, and your liquids bag which allows for you to get through security quicker!

However, during this time this option may not be available and it is not available at every airport.

Bring an empty water bottle

To save yourself the $7 at the airport you can bring with a reusable, empty water bottle that you can fill up after you get through security. I usually bring with a Brita Sports water bottle which you can find here. This one has a filter. I also just recently upgraded to this Hydro Cell water bottle which had two different caps (one a screw top and the other a straw).

This allows for you to fill up your water bottle from airport drinking fountain without worry. If you try to bring a full bottle with security will either make you chug it or they will throw it away.

Empty your pockets while in line

This one is fairly self explanatory. By doing this you are able to keep the line moving and place your items in the bins without having to stop and check. This also means removing your jacket if you’re wearing one, your belt, if you have one, taking your bag and getting it open to remove electronics and liquids and slipping your shoes off.

Of course don’t stop randomly in line to do this, go through these steps as you progress through the line. You can start untying your shoes about three people back. If you have slip ons you are ahead of the game!

The Liquid Breakdown

Make sure your liquids are with in regulation

Due to airline and security regulations you cannot bring through in your personal bag or carry on, any containers or bottles that exceed of 3.4 oz (100 fl). These fluids also have to be in one quart sized clear bag following the 3 – 1- 1 rule.

Unless you have TSA pre check you will be removing your 1 quart bag of liquids from your carry on or personal bag and be putting it in the security bin. Don’t make this process difficult for you and the people behind you.

You know that you will be going through security, and may have to take that specific bag out more than once. Make this bag the last thing that you pack into your personal bag or carry on so that it is at the top of your bag. This will allow for ease of access when having to put that bag in the security bin for checking.

** Due to new regulations you are now allowed to carry on up to a 12oz bottle of hand sanitizer - you can read more about that here. **

Keep electronics in an easily accessible place

Again, if you do not have TSA Pre Check, electronics need to come out of your bag, cell phone and all. So instead of burying it in your carry on or personal bag place the laptop, tablet, kindle, nook etc., in the laptop pouch or even in one of the front pockets. This will make it easier on you to take it out and put it back in no time.

When it does come time to put these in the bins the laptops get their own bins and the other electronics can share a bin but CANNOT be stacked up on top of one another. It makes it harder for the x ray tech to evaluate your devices and they may pull you aside for a personal check.

Don’t crowd your snacks

If you are like Nic and I and are looking to save money and eat food that you know will taste good, you may want to pack your own food whether that be a snack or two or a couple sandwiches for an overnight flight. Make sure you spread your items out and put other objects between them. This helps you and the TSA agents by not having to stop and hand check your bag because of an unidentified blob in your bag showed up on the screen.

** Due to the new regulations all snacks have to be put into one clear bag (sandwich, pint or gallon) to aid in better evaluation of the food. - you can read more on that here. **

Wear slip on shoes

This is something that you will thank yourself for at least once. I have tried the tie on shoes and it took too long for me to gather all of my things, and wrestle my shoes on without holding up the line. Grab your shoes drop them on the floor and slip them in while grabbing all of your other items.

Our last flight I wore my hiking boots and untied the laces and tucked them into the shoe outside of security. That way they are easy to slip on and off and I can tie them up once we get to a good stopping point in the airport.

The slip on’s that Nic wears are sketchers and can be found here. The one’s that I used wear, which were knock off Toms can be found here. I now wear Sketcher slip on tennies which you can find here.

We also kept our shoes more neutral so that we are able to wear them with any outfit that we have packed. These would then be considered our “nice” shoes or “night out” shoes versus our hiking boots.

Be Patient

Especially with the Covid Pandemic and shortage on TSA agents they are trying to get you through as quickly and as safely as possible. You cannot just snap your fingers and end up at the front of the line. By following the steps listed above and common sense getting through airport security will be a breeze.

Last but not least …

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Last but not least download the TSA app – “My TSA”. You can find it in your app store. This app allows for you to pick the airport(s) that you will be using and when, historically, the airport will be busy. It has all of the items that you can and cannot bring with you.

You can apply for TSA Pre Check through this app which allows for you to keep your jacket, belt and electronics in your bag and can usually get you through the line quicker than a regular security line.

Finally, if there are any items that you have questions on you can “ask TSA” through Facebook Messenger and Twitter. It is an extremely useful app and the best part is that it is FREE

So the question is, are you ready for your next adventure?

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TSA Approved Snacks


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