Meet the Author!

My name is Victoria. I work downtown Minneapolis. In my free time I am a writer, aspiring author, photographer, beer lover and avid adventurer! I love that we have the opportunity to travel locally in my home state of Minnesota as well as nationally and internationally.


Now you are probably wondering who the we is. Well, I live and travel with my husband Nic.

When we are not working we are usually out on the hiking trails in the state parks or exploring a new city or town. Traveling whether in the short or long term is something that we work into our lives on a daily basis. Travelling for me is a connection of mind, body and soul. This is something that I try to bring into my everyday life.

  • Mind: is my photography and writing. 

  • Body: is self care, yoga, hiking, and simply washing my face every morning. 

  • Soul: Meditation and our weekend adventures throughout Minnesota and beyond.

This blog is meant for those adventures, who only get out on the weekends, who take on state parks or city streets, who have a craving for delicious beer, those who study abroad during university or board a plane because the next destination is calling.

This blog is for those #earlyriseexplorers, who take on the world at there time of day. That could be right away in the morning, under the afternoon sun or after the moon is high in the sky ā€“ we are all those #earlyriseexplorers.

We are hoping to help anyone and everyone find an adventure in their everyday lives. To us an adventure is exploring a place that you have never fully experienced. I have lived in Minnesota my entire life and I still, to this day, find new locations to add to my bucket list.

With this blog I am hoping to share helpful tips and lessons that I have learned by traveling through the written word and photography. All things that I wish Iā€™d known before diving headfirst into my adventures.

I look forward to helping you in your adventures to becoming an Early Rise Explorer!


How to Prep for Security Like a Pro